We are an educational and informative non-profit organization
to increase the efficiency of
the renewable energy industry.
Using Photovoltaic cells in solar panels, the light from the sun is turned into other types of energy using the photovoltaic cells inside of it.
Wind Turbines utilize the kinetic energy in the wind, either using it as mechanical energy, which can be utilized for a few tasks, or it can use a generator to convert the kinetic energy into electricity to power homes, schools, businesses etc.
Hydropower is generated when a dam or other power source utilizes the power of swiftly moving water from a creek or river and uses it to power generators. Aside from being renewable, this method of energy production is very cost effective.
Our main goal is to inform the world of the plethora of clean, renewable energy sources readily available to developed nations. With the realization of the cost benefit over time, we can persuade companies to take a sustainable approach to business and factory management. This would mainly need to be encouraged with the help of government subsidies from the Department of Energy. With the government’s social and financial support, the non-renewable energy sources would eventually be phased out and the renewable energy industry will become more efficient. Due to the government subsidies and more of a national focus on sustainable development, the efficiency will lower production costs, therefore lowering prices.
>Environmental Impacts: Having lower prices for sustainable energy opens doors to people across the planet. Lower prices would make the energy more readily available to lower class citizens and developing countries. More wind turbines can surface in oceans and coastal cities. Solar panels would be placed on homes across the midwestern and southern areas. Hydroelectric power can be utilized along river based cities. With a greater focus and appropriate funding, accessibility would skyrocket. The current carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, levels in our atmosphere is 410 parts per million and growing. Phasing out carbon dioxide producing energy sources and making the switch to renewable energy could cut as much as 90% of our air pollution.
Economic Impacts: Similar to how people would pay energy bills, they would be able to pay off their renewable energy bill in increments over time to accommodate those less financially inclined. With government subsidies, the energy bills associated with this clean energy could be significantly less than current energy bills. Additionally, different from non-renewable energy bills, the renewable energy would be paid off over time and leave its customers better of financially and environmentally. This significantly benefits those in the lower class or even in developing nations.